Avon Calling

This picture is directly from the current campaign catalog, you can see it on my e store


I love Christmas and Christmas decorations and I happen to think Avon does some of the best.

The  picture above is one of my favorites from this years collection for the holidays. It’s  Santa and his pals atop a fountain that looks like a piece of ice. The fountain actually changes colors from blue to green to purple and is not your typical Christmas decoration. See this and others from Avon’s 2011 Christmas Collection right now on my e store, Just follow the link noted above

Sweet Honesty

It’s the end of the week and as promised it’s Avon Time. The campaign books are filled with all sorts of goodies for everyone. One of these is an old favorite, Sweet Honesty. Back when I was in my 20’s(back in the late middle ages), I remember ordering it and thinking how wonderful the scent of it was. It’s described as an innocent, flirty bouquet of florals carressed by the sweetness of honey and a tender woodsey warmth. All I know was when my 20 year old self wore it, I felt pretty and feminine.

Over the years I’ve had stretches of time when I did not have access to Avon. This was before the age of home computers. When I did come back to Avon there it was waiting for me like an old friend. I have since graduated to heavier, sexier scents but if I ever need a scent to give to a young friend I’m going back to my old friend Sweet Honesty

If you are interested in Sweet Honesty or anything else Avon Check out my online store

Avon Calling

And not for the reason you think. Or maybe it is.
Yes, I do sell Avon so allow me a minute to tell you if you are interested check out my online store Elaine’s Avon–   Thank you

Now back to our regularly scheduled blog.

Today I had a meeting for Avon. Since I don’t have a car, I have to take the bus. Usually I read but I ran late and forgot my nook. 😦 So, I people watched and tried to figure out what people did. Or what their occupation would be if I put them in a book.
The older man and his nephew who were sitting at the bus stop when I arrived. When someone one calls me Ma’am I cringe, unless they are older than me. The man had stopped in the shade so his uncle could rest a few minutes. We talked a few minutes the way some people do at a bus stop. Then they got up and walked away, leaving me to wait for my bus.

As they walked away I wondered are they really related? Probably.
But if they weren’t or even if they were there are many possibilities. Maybe the nephew was taking his uncle on a final trip. The man seemed to be getting on in years.

On the bus there were several people some lost in their paper or their music I just watched and tried to imagine where they came from and where they were going.

This was only my second meeting even though I’ve been selling Avon for about 4 months. I looked around the room and my mind started, The woman running the meeting, the new rep sitting next to me, the ones at the table next to us, or behind us. Each of them had a story to tell, at least in my mind.

By the time I got home, between the meeting and the bus rides there and back, all the people I met.Security guards, school kids, rides on the bus, the bus drivers themselves, each of them or parts of them will end up in a book someday. For now they’re heading into my story seed file for now. There they will sit and germinate until I need them.