Some Free Meal

29 years ago today, I went on a blind date. At the time my friend said to me, “I thought you said no more blind dates.”

My answer was, “Hey it’s a free dinner, even if he does sound like one of the Dead-End Kids. For those of you old enough to remember watching them.

Yes,he sounded strange, he was from Brooklyn, I was from Boston. At least he wasn’t a Yankee fan! I know some of my best friends are Yankee fans, but not back then.

Any way I went on the date, can’t remember what I ate other than Chinese food. We were to busy talking. All during dinner, when we stopped for a drink and all the way back to my apartment.  I didn’t know it them but I think I lost my heart when he sat down on  the floor and began playing with my cat.

Seven weeks later I called the same friend to tell her we were getting married.  Her response was “Some free dinner.”

So Happy Anniversary to my husband Michael, my McDuff, my best friend.